The lunduke content usage license 1.0

· seth's blog

The Lunduke Content Usage License 1.0

In this license document the term "A.I. Service" is defined as any software or service which describes itself as using "Artificial Intelligence", "Generative Pre-trained Transformers", "Chain-of-Thought Prompting", "Tensor Processing Units", and / or "Large Language Models". This includes, but is not limited to, "Chatbots", "Voice Generators", "Image Generators", "Code Generators", and other Artificial Intelligence software or services.

In this license document the term "Content" is defined as any text, software code, image, sound, video, or other material licensed under the terms of The Lunduke Content Usage License. This may include, but is not limited to, articles, books, social media posts, podcast episodes, video clips, and / or software source code.

The Lunduke Content Usage License is applied in addition to any other license, or right, used in relation to the Content. No other license, applied to the Content, can negate any portion of The Lunduke Content Usage License.

All Content released under The Lunduke Content Usage License is subject to the following terms and conditions.

  1. Any A.I. Service which utilizes the Content, in all or in part, in the training, creation, or administration of the A.I. Service, must receive written permission from the Content copyright holder prior to usage of the Content. Each violation of this requirement will inflict a fine upon the A.I. Service in question, in the amount of $100,000 USD, payable, to the Content copyright holder, immediately upon notification of the violation.

  2. Any A.I. Service which utilizes the Content, in all or in part, in the output or product of the A.I. Service, must receive written permission from the Content copyright holder prior to usage of the Content. Each violation of this requirement will inflict a fine upon the A.I. Service in question, in the amount of $100,000 USD, payable, to the Content copyright holder, immediately upon notification of the violation.

Failure of the A.I. Service to pay the fine(s) for any violation, in full, within 30 days of the notification of the violation being sent, will result in the fine increasing to $1,000,000 USD for each individually documented violation.